Saturday, May 5, 2012

Working Conditions

I wasn't too shocked about the conditions and pay in foreign factories. I had previously read articles about it and was saddened then and still am today. What shocked me about the "Mickey Mouse Goes to Haiti" video is how little the workers were paid. Disney can quite obviously pay their workers more than they do. The workers say that 58 cents an hour would be enough to support their families. 58 cents an hour!!! I spend more on a pack of gum! I am curious to know if Disney is still treating their workers poorly in the year 2012. I hope Disney has improved its business practices but I highly doubt it, all they care about is profit.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mental illness

My niece Kaylee has Bipolar disorder and a few years ago she attempted suicide. It was scary because she was in Alaska and I couldn't be there to support her and my sister. She is an extremely smart girl with tons of potential but has a hard time holding down the simplest jobs because of frequent hospitalizations. What I've learned from Kaylee is that bipolar consumes every aspect of her life. Some days she's the happiest girl in the world and other days she is hopeless and feels that life isn't worth living. I love my niece very much and am happy that she will be moving back to the lower 48 so she can be closer to her family.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

STD testing fears

What would you tell a friend or loved one who suspected that she might have an STI but was afraid to get tested?

I would tell her that she needs to get tested as soon as possible because some STI's can lead to infertility if left untreated. I would recommend that she see her gynecologist instead of her family practice doctor because gyn's specialize in female anatomy. If she is embarrassed to tell the appointment clerk she needs testing for STI's then she could tell them she is having issues that she is uncomfortable talking about and would rather tell the doctor.
I would go with her to her appointment if that would make her feel more comfortable. Just having the testing done will relieve most of the stress she is feeling and when she gets the results I will be there to support her. I've never had to have STI testing except for the standard testing during pregnancy but I know it would be embarrassing to get tested but my health is more important than my pride.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Rachel is a 37 year old whose been married for 10 years. When she and her husband started dating she told him from the start that she didn't want children. She says she cannot remember a time that she did not want kids, but she was 100% positive she didn't want any when she was in her early 20's.

Growing up she had an abusive, both physically and mentally, childhood and this may have influenced her decision to remain childless. She says that she's always been an emotional wreck and is afraid that kids will "wreck her". Women with a prior history of depression are more likely to experience Post-partum depression so it may be wise of her to think of her emotional health during and after pregnancy.

Rachel also said that babies scare her and she has never changed a diaper. I started babysitting when I was 8 years old and I can't even begin to count how many diapers I've changed. Being the youngest child and living in the "booneys" did not expose her to many people with babies. I am many years younger than my older sister and became an aunt when I was 12 years old so I have been around babies for a long time. I loved playing with them and it never bothered me to change their diapers. I can remember when disposable diapers first came out, yes I am that old, and how difficult it was to put them on perfectly because one you stuck the tapes on they weren't removeable and reattachable.

Rachel has said before that she wanted to adopt but she felt pressured by society that she "had" to be a mom. Now she is certain this will not happen and if she does become pregnant she would immediately have an abortion. I would not be able to have an abortion myself but that is her choice and I respect that. She and her husband are using condoms as birth control which when used correctly are good at protecting against pregnancy but are not 100%. I asked her if she has thought about a more "permanent" birth control method but they do not have insurance so tubal ligation or vascectomy is not an option at this point.

She wanted to express that she is not "anti-child", they are just not for her. I can totally understand that and am proud that she sticks to her convictions. Our world is being ruined by overpopulation, so one couples decision not to have any is unselfish.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Health Issue

A health issue I am most concerned with is diabetes. Thanks to my parents (both have/had diabetes), gestational diabetes and a large baby I was diagnosed 5 years ago with diabetes. Thankfully I am controlling it with diet and exercise but I know I need to lose more weight to be healthier. My father, who is now deceased, was diagnosed in his 40's as well as my mother. I was diagnosed after only being overweight for about 4 years at 32. I think I just had too many risk factors to avoid diabetes all together.

I interviewed several women and the majority were concerned with cervical and ovarian cancer because its a "silent killer", many do not have any symptoms until its too late. My older sister Sara is a cervical cancer survivor and she is proof of how seriously important PAP smears are to women's health.

Our concerns were not the same but both were very important to women's health. I get screened every year for cervical cancer but I don't work out consistently enough to impact my health. I should take my diabetes as seriously as I do my cervical health but sometimes its hard to roll out of bed and exercise. I am determined to take my health more seriously and lose weight.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hi my name is Sonja Grubbs and I was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota. So of course I am a diehard Vikings fan, although I do love the Cowboys. Surprisingly I love the Rangers more than the Twins, could be because the Twins have already won 2 World Series, so its the Rangers turn! Three times a charm? After graduating high school I joined the Army where I soon met my husband of 16 years, a native Texan, hence I live here now. We have two children, Robin (13), Torin (11). We both enjoy spending family time at home or at my in-laws lake house, although this past summer was miserable. Who wants to swim in bath water when its 110 degrees out? So I took the kids and went to Minnesota for most of the summer, so much cooler. I miss living there but love the state of Texas and Fort Worth.

I am majoring in Health Studies and hope to work for Planned Parenthood after graduation. I feel that every women has the right to proper health care regardless of income level. I look forward to taking this course and I know I will enjoy it.

One thing few people know about me is that I am afraid of deep water especially if I can't see the bottom.